The Eureka Art Award is a special biennial event in the BAF calendar, and in 2020 it was made even more significant by the challenges of the global pandemic. In that time of uncertainty, the Board believed that going ahead with the award would be a positive focus for our Alumni and the wider community.

Due to social distancing requirements and lock-downs, the 2020 Award and Exhibition were held entirely online for the first time in our organisation’s history. The exhibition featured 37 submissions from visual artists who were previous recipients of a Ballarat Arts Foundation award. You can still view the digital exhibition below. [NB. To view the videos for the 5th and 6th image, enter the password ashcoates.]

The winning work in 2020, judged by Fiona Sweet (Director of the Ballarat International Foto Biennale), was “Nyirram turt-barram (The Morning Star)” by Deanne Gilson.


Voting for the winner of our “People’s Choice Award” was also undertaken entirely online, and the winner was Abbie Matthews for her painting ‘Lucy’.


Congratulations to Deanne and Abbie!
Thanks to all who took the time to vote.


Interested in purchasing any of the works in this years’ Eureka Arts Award? Please complete the form below and a representative will be in touch. Many thanks for your generous support.